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Teach one,
One talk at a time.

I have years of experience speaking at events such as CSSConf, DesignOps Summit and Clarity. Some of my favorite topics I like to cover are front-end development, prototyping, and design systems.


Taking a break from speaking until 2025.
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Credit: Brilliant Black Minds
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Credit: C Will

Current Talks & Workshops#


The Dawn of Design Engineering: A New Era of Collaboration

Design and development have traditionally been separate disciplines, but with the increasing complexity and demands of modern software, a new approach is needed. That’s why companies are starting to create hybrid roles, like design technologist or UX engineer, to be connectors between design and engineering. These new “hybrids” thrive on quickly going from concept to completion by creating well throughout hypotheses, exploring different ideas, and validating proof-of-concepts with users. But what are the specific steps we can take to promote the practice of design technology within our organization?

In this talk, the audience will learn:

  • The meaning of design engineering and the key roles within them
  • How design engineering can positively impact the product development process
  • The four principles of design engineering
The Good, The Bad and Ugly of Prototyping

Just like with dancing, there is an art to prototyping. When trying to push the boundaries of a design or convince stakeholders on an idea, it can be a great tool. But like with anything in life, too much of a good thing can be bad. If not done properly, it can be a roadblock for product teams to design and test ideas. Creating a balance on how, when and what to prototype will allow you to communicate ideas effectively, influence stakeholders and collaborate with your colleagues.

In this talk, the audience will learn:

  • Techniques on how prototype efficiently and effectively
  • How to create a framework for prototyping that fits into your organization
  • How to utilize a prototype for production
The Three P’s of a Design System

Building a design system that scales is hard. You have to get stakeholder buy-in and then establish a style guide and then build out a UI components library and then develop a voice and tone that captures the brand and and and... There’s so much to do! That can fuel envy when we look at popular design systems on the web and say, “We want to have something like that.” But how do we get there? What are the specific steps we can take to build a successful design system?

A world-class design system will not only allow teams to build scalable products today, but also lay the foundation for future innovations. Done right, it will provide engineers with production ready UI components and enable designers to craft front-end prototypes. Learn about the three Ps and how it can help you achieve these goals.

In this talk, the audience will learn:

  • How to identify and prioritize the users of your design system
  • The process of building a design system from the ground up
  • How to setup a design system to serve multiple use cases
Building Resilient UI Components: Design for Present and Prepare for Future Growth (Talk)

Loyal customers often stick with a brand because their products are dependable and have a high standard. This same principle applies to the creation of components in a design system that designers and engineers rely on daily. These components must not only be aesthetically pleasing and functional, but they must also be performant, accessible, and scalable.

With an efficient building process in place, incorporating new features into existing components or creating new ones can be effortless. What are the most effective methods for reducing bugs during component development? How does incorporating a behavior-driven approach benefit not only developers but also designers, researchers, and QA?

In this talk, the audience will learn:

  • How to streamlining the component development process from start to finish
  • Best practices for handling component lifecycle and naming conventions
  • Ways to utilize automating testing during component development


Building Resilient UI Components: Design for Present and Prepare for Future Growth (Workshop)

Loyal customers often stick with a brand because their products are dependable and have a high standard. This same principle applies to the creation of components in a design system that designers and engineers rely on daily. These components must not only be aesthetically pleasing and functional, but they must also be performant, accessible, and scalable.

With an efficient building process in place, incorporating new features into existing components or creating new ones can be effortless. What are the most effective methods for reducing bugs during component development? How does incorporating a behavior-driven approach benefit not only developers but also designers, researchers, and QA?

In this talk, the audience will learn:

  • How to streamlining the component development process from start to finish
  • Best practices for handling component lifecycle and naming conventions
  • Ways to utilize automating testing during component development
Critical Steps to Establish a Thriving Design System.

Building a design system that scales is hard. When you’re starting one from scratch, it’s easy to get overwhelmed by the process. A design system is like a house, if you want it to last a long time it needs a solid foundation. A scalable design system not only focuses on building patterns but establishing processes that maintains and promotes it within the organization.

Done right, a design system will empower your designers and engineers to spend less time focusing on the UI and more time solving problems. In this workshop, I will break down the tools and techniques to establish a new design system or improve an existing one.

In this workshop, the audience will learn:

  • Research techniques to understand the design system users
  • How to identify and prioritize the features for your design system
  • The structure and processes to put into place for a design system
  • How to create effective documentation
  • How to setup a design system to serve multiple use cases


My name is Adekunle Oduye (Add-eh-koon-lay Oh-due-yay) and I'm a designer, developer, and international speaker who is passionate about turning ideas into user-centric products. I enjoy traveling, art, and planning my next adventure.




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